Seattle, WA - West Coast Retreat

Aug 23 - Aug 26, 2019

This 4 days, 3 nights retreat in picturesque Pacific Northwest setting is a first of its kind. The venue for this retreat is just 45 mins east of Seattle at Camp Koinonia in Cle Elum, WA and is set against the beautiful background of Cascade mountains. It’s a 100 acers property with perfect setting for meditations, spiritual discourses and various outdoor activities. The theme of this retreat is “The Guru-Disciple Relationship” and you can fnd the full plans in the attached Program Schedule. The camp is going to provide three home cooked veg meals each day and we have the whole camp just for this retreat. We are sure you will be impressed. So plan your trip and register for this retreat now. Registration Fee - $250.

Zugehörige Dateien / Flyer herunterladen:
Name Telefonnummer Email
Sudeep Bharati (425) 444-6728
Amit Chatterjee (425) 615-4851