Intensive program at Kriya Dhyana Mandir

Oct 20, 2024
On October 19-20, Temple Of Meditation will be conducting an Initiation event at the ashram. 

We are also offering an intensive on Oct 20th for the already initiated Kriyavans. Please come join us, meditate, ask any clarifying questions you might have regarding the technique and also participate in Satsang. This is a FREE offering.


SUNDAY – INTENSIVE PROGRAM (some parts are combined with initiation)
8.30 am – 9.30 am – Guided Meditation – combined for new initiates and intensive participants
9.45 – 10.45 am – Technique Review / Q&A – combined for new initiates and intensive participants
11.00 – 12.00 noon – Guided Meditation – combined for new initiates and intensive participants
12.00 pm– 1.30 pm – Vegetarian meal Lunch / Break/Book/Merchandise Sales – combined for all
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm – Talk OR Q & A – intensive participants (Main house living room)
2.45 pm – 3.45 pm – Guided Meditation & Close – combined for new initiates and intensive participants (Main meditation hall)

(Existing Kriyavans and those attending the Intensive on Sunday are welcome to attend the Saturday events also)
Please register such that we know the count for planning and food preparation.

Dane kontaktowe
Nazwisko Telefon email
Kriya Dhyana Mandir +1 425 309-7273