In 1949 Mahavatar Babaji appeared in Shri Gurudev's closed meditation room in Karar Ashram, blessed him, and told him - "I am very happy with your meditation. I have come to tell you that you should not just sit in Puri ashram all your life. You should roam from country to country, from world to world, from the East to the West, North, South - everywhere, and spread the message of Kriya Yoga. Your touch will give divine revelations to the seeking souls."
To fulfill the divine Master's instructions and vision, Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji travelled to the West in June 1974, when he was sixty-seven years old. Shri Gurudev spread the message of Kriya Yoga to North and South America and Europe, aside from India, and established the foundation for the spread of the divine science across other continents too. His mission is now being carried forward by Shri Guruji, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji, and the practice of Kriya Yoga is now vibrant in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Kriya Yoga International Organizations are celebrating the period from January 2025 through to December 2025 as the 50th Anniversary of Shri Gurudev in the Americas. All our ashrams and centers worldwide, will organize a variety of programs to celebrate this special event, and spiritual seekers will get to know more about the vision of the great Master.
Please refer to the "Events Calendar" for more details about the programs that are being organized. We invite all to participate in these programs with joy and fervor, and to be blessed by God and Gurus.