Yogacharya Bhadrayu Pandya

Yogacharya Bhadrayu Pandya lives in Cincinnati, OH, with his wife, Sadhana, and has two children, Rupal and Urmil. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (in India) and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering (USA).

He met Baba Hariharananda in 1975 in New York City and began initiating in 1996. He is the leader of the Kriya Yoga Cincinnati center and enjoys serving the Kriya Yoga Institute, guiding meditations, and initiating new students.

He travels throughout the USA, particularly the Midwest, teaching Kriya. He has personally experienced profound changes in his life since he began practicing Kriya Yoga and is grateful to support others in making positive changes in their own lives.

Upcoming Events
Jul 28 - Jul 28 2024
Intensive Program Intensive - Columbus, OH, USA
Aug 02 - Aug 04 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Raleigh, NC, USA
Aug 16 - Aug 18 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Cincinnati, OH, USA
Sep 13 - Sep 15 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Kansas City, KS, USA
Sep 27 - Sep 29 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Columbus, OH, USA