Yogacharya Claudia Cremers

Yogacharya Claudia Cremers was initiated into Kriya Yoga by Rajarshi Peter Baba in 1987 and met Gurudev Baba Hariharanandaji in 1990 in New York. Since then she traveled frequently to India, Europe, and the USA to stay and meditate with Gurudev. She was authorized to initiate other seekers into Kriya Yoga in May 2007.
Claudia was born in the Netherlands, studied music and law in Amsterdam and post graduate government studies in Paris (ENA). From 1987 to 2012 she worked as a government official in international affairs.

Since then she retired to the Sterksel ashram to devote more time to spiritual service and to teaching Kriya Yoga.

Upcoming Events
Aug 06 - Aug 06 2024
Sterksel, NL - Ashram Foundation Day Celebration Special Event - Kriya Yoga Centrum, Sterksel, Netherlands
Aug 23 - Aug 27 2024
Sterksel, Netherlands - lang. Engl. Retreat - Kriya Yoga Centrum, Sterksel, Netherlands
Aug 31 - Aug 31 2024
NEW ASHRAM - Inauguration, Krakow/Tluczan, Pl Special Event - Krakow, Poland
Aug 27 - Sep 02 2024
Sep 06 - Sep 06 2024
26th Ashram Foundation Day Celebration Initiation - Kriya Yoga Centre - Vienna, Tattendorf, Austria
Sep 03 - Sep 09 2024
Ashram Foundation Seminar, Kriya Yoga Centre Vienna (Tattendorf) Retreat - Kriya Yoga Centre - Vienna, Tattendorf, Austria
Oct 04 - Oct 06 2024
Sterksel, NL - 2nd Kriya only, lang. Engl. Intensive - Kriya Yoga Centrum, Sterksel, Netherlands
Oct 18 - Oct 20 2024
Braga, Portugal - Initiation Programme Initiation - Braga, Portugal
Nov 01 - Nov 03 2024
Bonn, DE - Initiation Programme Initiation - Bonn, Germany
Oct 31 - Nov 03 2024
Siena, Italy - Initiation Programme Initiation - Siena, Italy
Nov 06 - Nov 10 2024
Nov 15 - Nov 17 2024
Nov 22 - Nov 24 2024
Sterksel, NL - Initiation Programme - lang. Dutch Initiation - Kriya Yoga Centrum, Sterksel, Netherlands
Dec 13 - Dec 15 2024
Warsaw, PL - Initiation Programme Initiation - Warsaw, Poland
Dec 24, 2024 To Jan 01, 2025
Sterksel, NL - Christmas & New Year's Retreat - lang. English Retreat - Kriya Yoga Centrum, Sterksel, Netherlands