Yogacharya John Thomas Lopategui

Yogacharya John Thomas Lopategui was born in Brooklyn, New York, and lived in Brazil for many years. In 1978, in New York, he was blessed with  initiation into Kriya Yoga by Paramahamsa Hariharananda, his beloved Gurudev who changed and redirected his life.

Years later, in 1998, while living in Brasilia, Brazil, he was guided by Baba Hariharanandaji to organize the first program of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda to introduce Kriya Yoga to Brazil. With his wife and kriyavan, Marilena Ma, they founded the first Kriya Yoga center in Brasília that year and, in 2000, the second center in São Paulo.

He was the center leader in Brasilia from 1998 to 2001, when, following Gurudev's recommendation, he moved his family to Miami to be close to Baba in the last critical years of his life.

In 2003, he was asked to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Kriya Yoga Institute and continues in this capacity until the present.

In May 2007 in India, on the auspicious occasion commemorating 100 years of Gurudev’s birth Paramahamsa Prajnanananda named him Yogacharya with authorization to initiate and teach Kriya Yoga to sincere seekers.

Returning to São Paulo, Brazil in 2019 he currently serves as Yogacharya and member of the National Council of Kriya Yoga in Brazil.

Upcoming Events
Jul 13 - Jul 14 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Jul 20 - Jul 20 2024
Intensive Program Intensive - Divinopolis, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Jul 21 - Jul 21 2024
Intensive Program Intensive - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Aug 17 - Aug 18 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Sep 14 - Sep 15 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Sep 20 - Sep 22 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Sep 30 - Oct 06 2024
Foundation Day Seminar Special Event - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Oct 18 - Oct 20 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Sao Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Oct 25 - Oct 25 2024
Intensive Program Intensive - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Oct 26 - Oct 27 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nov 02 - Nov 03 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Dec 07 - Dec 08 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Temple of Divine Love - Sao Paulo, Brasil