Yogacharya Sudeep Bharati

Sudeep and his wife Seema both were initiated by Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji in Feb 2007 in Hyderabad, India. This was a hugely transformative event in many ways for both, and since then they have been sincerely following the path of Kriya Yoga and serving Shri Guruji. Currently, they live near Seattle, WA, USA along with Sudeep’s mother who is also initiated in Kriya Yoga. They have two adult children both working in the Seattle area.

After completing his bachelor's and master's studies, Sudeep worked in the software industry in various senior positions both in the USA as well as in India. He also taught Computer Science at a local high school as well as at the University of Washington for a few years. From 2018 onwards, he fully dedicated himself to serving Shri Guruji in whatever capacity he was asked. He helps manage Institute’s West coast Ashram in the Seattle area in various ways and manages the websites of the organization with their development and support work.

Shri Guruji instructed Sudeep to start guiding meditation in 2019 and start initiating sincere seekers in 2022. Sudeep feels immensely blessed to have Shri Guruji as his Guru with his endless love and for the practical teachings of Kriya Yoga. He is committed to serving Shri Guruji and the organization in the humblest way possible.

Upcoming Events
Jul 21 - Jul 21 2024
Guru Purnima Local Event - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Aug 10 - Aug 10 2024
Shree Guruji's Birthday Celebrations Local Event - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Aug 10 - Aug 11 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Dallas, TX, USA
Oct 18 - Oct 20 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Oct 31 - Oct 31 2024
Deepavali Program Local Event - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Nov 01 - Nov 03 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Nov 23 - Nov 24 2024
Higher Kriya Initiation and Intensive Program Initiation - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Nov 28 - Nov 28 2024
Thanksgiving Program Local Event - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Dec 14 - Dec 15 2024
Initiation and Intensive Program Initiation - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation
Dec 25 - Dec 25 2024
X'mas Program Local Event - Kriya Dhyana Mandir - Temple of Meditation