Yogacharya Suresh Kodolikar
Yogacharya Suresh Kodolikar lives with his wife, Niva, and two daughters, Neeyata and Samata, in Millsboro, Delaware. He worked as an architect and has a Masters in Architecture from the Catholic University of America.

He met Paramahamsa Baba Hariharananda through his wife, Niva, at the Karar Ashram in 1974. Niva's grandfather used to meditate with Shriyukteshwarji and Baba Hariharananda at the Karar Ashram. Her family has been practicing Kriya Yoga for generations.

Yogacharya Suresh Kololikar received Gurudev's initiation in 1975 in New York and was authorized to initiate by Baba Hariharananda in 1980. He has served as the leader of the Ellicott City center since 1977 and is a member of the board of directors of the Institute of Kriya Yoga since 2004.

He travels teaching Kriya and initiating students across the United States, as his schedule allows. He believes that his more than thirty years of practice help him to lead his life in a peaceful and harmonious way, also allowing him to have a deep understanding of life's situations, with a certain degree of compassionate detachment.
Upcoming Events
Jul 26 - Jul 28 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Charlotte, NC, USA
Sep 16 - Sep 22 2024
Foundation Day Program Retreat - Kriya Yoga Institute, Homestead, FL, USA
Sep 27 - Sep 29 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Philadelphia, PA, USA
Oct 05 - Oct 06 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Falls Church, VA, USA
Oct 19 - Oct 20 2024
Initiation Program Initiation - Baltimore, MD, USA