Initiation Program

Oct 05 - Oct 06, 2024

Spiritual seekers interested in receiving Kriya Yoga Initiation can sign up here.

For the safety of all, we limit the number of people per session.
After you sign up for the initiation, we will contact you to let you know if you have been accepted.

Tentative Schedule

08:30 AM to 09:00 AM - Registration (Be here by 8:30 AM)
09:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Initiation Ceremony
12:15 PM to 02:30 PM - Lunch, Seva, Rest
02:30 PM to 04:30 PM - Teachings of Kriya Yoga Techniques
04:45 PM to 05:45 PM -  Guided Meditation

09:00 AM to 10:45 PM - Review of Kriya Yoga Techniques (Be here by 8:45 AM)
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Guided Meditation
12:15 PM to 02:30 PM - Lunch, Seva, Rest
02:00 PM to 04:00 PM - Q&A followed by Guided Meditation

Please go through the following links before attending the event:

   About Kriya Yoga  (Please watch the “An Ideal Starting Point” video)

   About Kriya Yoga Initiation

   Code of Discipline & Dressing Guidelines

   Event Safety Measures

Prashikshaka(s): Swami Tapasyananda Giri
Contact Details
Name Phone Email
Kriya Yoga Institute +1 305-247-1960
Kriya Yoga Institute