Kriya Yoga Silent Retreat with Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji

Apr 11 - Apr 15, 2025
The Australia Kriya Yoga Association (AKYA) is delighted to invite you to join us in Sydney for a Silent Residential retreat with our beloved Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. This is a rare opportunity to spend time with a realised master diving into meditation and seclusion, enlivened by spiritual discourse, and immersed in peace, bliss and seclusion. 

The retreat will be held at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre in Grose Vale NSW.
The retreat will entail:
• Several guided meditations daily
• Discussions and teachings on spirituality and Kriya Yoga
• Q&A sessions
• Time to relax and contemplate your spiritual progress

A finalised schedule will be sent to all the participants closer to the program.


Registration for the retreat is now open. We have limited accomodation space for the retreat.  At this stage, non-residential spaces are not available - while these may be made available in future, this is not guaranteed, so please register to avoid disappointment.

To book a spot, please complete this online form and pay your non-refundable deposit of $100.

Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis so please pay your deposit as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.  The registration form will automatically cut off the different categories of attendence when capacity is reached.


$750 for a residential place in a 3-4 person share room
$1040 for a residential place in a 2-person share room (very limited availability)

Please note that all accomodation is single-sex only.
The registration fee covers accommodation, participation in retreat activities and meals over the course of the retreat. The food will be pure vegetarian.

The registration fee includes the $100 non-refundable deposit, with the balance due on or before 28 February 2025.
Payment by instalments can be accepted, please email us to arrange this.

NOTE: The retreat is open only to Kriyavans who have been initiated by Paramahamsa Hariharananda, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda or their authorised representatives. 


Benedict XVI Retreat Centre, 347 Grose Wold Road, Grose Vale NSW 2753

Please note that parking at the venue is very limited, and hence we very much encourage you to car pool or travel by public transport as much as possible. Closer to the time, we will explore coordinating some car pooling and pick up arrangements from the closest train station, for those who are registered to attend. 

Attendance (to be confimed)

Check-in:   ~2pm, Friday, 11 April 2025
Check-out: ~2pm, Tuesday, 15 April 2025
Participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the retreat, barring any emergencies - no 'per day' or part attendence will be offered at this stage. 


Those who select accomodation with their registration will be housed in communal rooms with bunk beds and shared amenities. The rooms will be female only and male only. Each person will be provided with necessary linen (top sheet, doona, blanket, pillow, pillowcase and towel).

Contact Details
Name Phone Email
Satya Narendra +61 422 334 573
Kriya Vidya Mandir +61 455 828 036 / +61 243 089 620